Friday, September 30, 2005

Our Family Pictures

Here we Have Munch aka Squeaker

This is "Little Dog"

This is Hattie

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Deaf Cat..Things are a little different

Looks like we may have lucked out with our white haired, blue eyed, kitty.
Five years old she is, and stil doesn't seem to be missing anything. I need to get some pictures of the little buggers posted on here. Well that will be another post.

Living with a Deaf Cat
by Summer Fey Foovay

A genetic anomaly causes blue-eyed white cats to be born deaf. I have not been able to find out what percentage of them are deaf - but it is fairly common. Odd-eyed whites are often deaf on the same side as they are blue eyed! This anomaly is present in all the several breeds in which blue-eyed white cats occur, from Persian to Oriental to the lovely Turkish Van.

You would not, of course, go out looking for a deaf cat to adopt, but you might find a lovely white kitten you want to take home, and discover that they are deaf. So - then what?

You wonder how great a handicap it is. How difficult it might make it for you, or the cat.

I usually jokingly reply to people, when they ask what it is like to have a deaf cat that she is just like all my other cats. I yell "no" and she ignores me, just like all the others do.

In general, deaf cats cope very well with their disability. Pearl, my deaf cat, has taught me that there are only a few things I must keep in mind for her comfort. One is that - she cannot hear me! So I cannot call her to me, "kitty kitty kitty", like you can most cats. However, we have developed our own little sign language. I catch her eye and hold out my hand and make a scratching motion, as if I were scratching her back. She may decide to come over and get her back scratched. That's just the Oriental in her!

But she also cannot hear a shouted warning, the hiss of another cat behind her, or you walking up to her when her eyes are closed. It is simply considerate to let her know you are coming - otherwise she will waken with hisses and slashing claws. Like all cats, she is sensitive to vibration. If she is asleep on the bed, I put my weight on the bed a foot or so away from her and that will generally wake her up without startling her by touching her when she is sound asleep. My husband has less of a problem, since he is heavier than I am - she usually seems to sense him walking across the floor when he gets near. If she is very soundly asleep I might touch her whiskers gently. She will shake her head a time or two then open her eyes to see what is tickling her.

As far as shouting a warning - or "no" - there are several things that will work. Pearl has had a bit of a hard life so I try not to startle her unless it is absolutely necessary. I, personally, don't like the squirt bottle with water method because it upsets Pearl. However, with a new kitten, you might try it and see how the kitten reacts. For Pearl, I have a number of "koosh" balls - these are very soft balls that have a bit of weight to them. If she is about to put her dainty foot where it doesn't belong I will toss a "kooshie" in her general area. I don't throw them AT her to hit her, just so that she can see it - it distracts her - and she has gotten the message over time that when that koosh goes by, I am probably getting up to come get her out of whatever mess she is in, so its better to just stop or run off. And besides, she likes to play with them - so often she quits just to go play with the kooshie.

As time goes on and you live with your deaf cat, the two of you will work out a language you both understand.

Of course, you would never want to allow your deaf cat outdoors - unless you teach them to walk on a leash (the Orientals will learn to do this) and can be right there with them every minute. The world is too dangerous a place for cats - and even more so if they cannot hear.

I know when I adopted Pearl (who was almost 2 years old) I was curious about a couple of things. One was whether she chatted or purred. Orientals are usually very vocal. She does meow, and certainly purrs, although she is considerably less vocal than other Orientals I have had. (She is just as opinionated though). The other thing I've noticed is how expressive cats ears are. Yes, she still swivels them back and forth and up and down, but not to catch noises, but to express her mood from moment to moment. We are used to reading a cats body language by their tail, but the ears, too, have quite a bit to say.

If she is alert and interested they are high and perky. If she is relaxed they are relaxed also and sometimes even swivel slightly to the side and down. If she is angry, of course, they are flat and pointed back. There are about a million subtle nuances between these three stages, and you will soon learn them, as you grow closer to your cat.

My advice, if you are considering a adopting a deaf cat, is to feel comfortable and go ahead. So long as you do intend for the cat to always be an indoor cat, I don't think any other special measures are called for. The little bit of extra consideration and effort called for will be easy to give that white bit of fluff as it captures your heart with those gorgeous blue eyes.

About the Author
Artist, writer and webdesigner, Summer Fey Foovay also has the honor of being owned by Pearl, a deaf, and psychic, cat. Pearl has her own website at Pearlie the Psychic K

Canine Flu Has Pet Owners Concerned

Canine Flu Has Pet Owners Concerned.
We need to keep on track of things like this.
Our 3 cats, along with our newest member of the family "Little Dog" are just like children to us, and we wouldn't want to see any of them sick or hurt.

Stella Thurkill
Q13 FOX News

September 22, 2005, 2:51 PM PDT

SEATTLE -- A new, highly contagious flu bug is spreading through parts of the country. This one can make your dog really sick. Veterinarians say some pets have actually died from it.

Shirley Munro has heard the startling news about the canine flu, a new, sometimes deadly form of a flu better known for affecting horses.

Shirley Munro/DOG OWNER: "Little bit of an alarm, but I think you go on with the things you do and keep and eye out."

Because Shirley says, Murphy isn't the type of dog who can stay indoors.

Shirley Munro/DOG OWNER: "I guess there's more risk in public places, but big dogs need exercise so you have to come to an off leash area."

Vets who have first-hand experience with this new Canine Flu say it can be passed from dog to dog -- in kennels, in shelters and in dog parks.

Close quarters aren't the only places where dogs are getting sick.

Vets outside our state say the canine flu is killing greyhound racing dogs in seven other states.

Dr. Mark Donovan/NW VETERINARY HOSPITAL: "Until recently, most flus were restricted to other species."

No confirmed cases of the disease have popped up here yet.

But it looks like there are reasons for vets and dog owners to remain on alert.

Dr. Mark Donovan: "I have heard through some faxes and e-mails at some animal shelters and emergency clinics that they were concern that this was a new strain of kennel cough bacteria and this may turn out to be some early cases of canine influenza in Seattle."

With that in mind, even pet lovers who try to keep their dogs healthy aren't taking the news of the canine flu lightly.

Dr. Mark Donovan: "Talk to your veterinarian if you're concerned about any symptoms. They may be able to help differentiate any of the diseases that could be going around."

Veternarians say symptoms of the canine flu include a serious cough and gagging for several weeks, a runny nose and extreme fatigue.
Copyright © 2005, KCPQ

Cat Health and Tips

Ok, time to give our feline friends some attention. Take a look at these tips and keep your kitty in purrrfect health.

Got A Cat As A Pet? Here's How To Keep Them Healthy...
by Michael Erder

Our pet cats are often as close to us as members of our family. In fact, they virtually are members of our family! That's why cat owners should know as much as they can about cat health. Here are the major things to know about caring for your pet cat in a loving way:

GROOMING: Long-haired cats should be groomed regularly for optimum cat health. Use a pet brush and groom no less frequently than once a week.

DIET: Cat health is strongly affected by what your cat eats. Obesity is a major factor in heart disease particularly as your cat gets older. Choose a pet food for your cat that is right for it's age but feed it regularly. Consistency is the key to a well-fed cat.

OLDER CATS: Some diseases occur simply because your cat is getting older. These can be labeled elderly cat health problems. As cats age their kidneys and eyesight fail and they may need special diets.

LITTER: The litter box can be dangerous to both cat health and human health if it isn't cleaned regularly. Change your pet's litter no less than once every four days and keep a small dish of baking soda near the litter area.

SCRATCHING: Scratching is a major cat health concern because if a cat scratches regularly it is often a sign of other problems. If your cat is scratching a particular area often try a delousing product and then take your pet to the vet.

DECLAWING: Declawing your cat can be a major factor in Cat health. If you choose to declaw your pet it is important to remember to keep them inside at all times.

BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS: Many cat health problems relate to difficult or uncommon behavior. Listlessness can be a symptom of depression. Strange aggression is sometimes caused by hormone imbalances.

STRESS: Your cat can easily get stressed out. Stressful situations like moving, travelling, natural disasters or even changes in the family can affect cat health. To minimize the effects of stress on your pet, buy a tranquilizer for distance travelling and have a place in your home where your cat can escape if there are busy changes in the house.

POISON: Make sure dangerous poisons like antifreeze cannot be reached by your pet. Some plants are fatal to cats so make sure to raise your plants and lock your toxins.

PARASITES: Parasites such as ringworms, heart worms and rabies can greatly affect cat health. Blood in a cat's stool or uncommon appetite are common signs of parasites.

MOUTH: Cats often have mouth diseases and this can influence cat health. Cats are just as prone to gingivitis as humans. For problems like rodents ulcer or bad breath, brush your cat's teeth with a small child's toothbrush.

INDOORS/OUTDOORS: One of the greatest factors in determining cat health is whether your pet goes outdoors. Cars, children, other animals and toxins are all dangerous and should be avoided by keeping your cat indoors.

Taking care of your cat is critical to your cats health. Hopefully this article has provided you with information that will make your pet's life much safer, healthier, happier and longer.

About the Author
Michael Erder is the author of a site completely dedicated to pets and pet products. Visit and keep your pet happy and healthy!

Some Tips for Choosing a Puppy Breed

Everyone wants to get this right, but do you know the important questions to consider? Please read the following tips, and make an informed decision, your family and future puppy will love you for it.

Choosing the right puppy breed
by Randy Myers

For all too many, the process of choosing a puppy or puppies is based purely on how cute the puppy is or how playful its personality seems at the pet store or kennel. Granted, playful and cute puppies can really tug at your heart strings and urge you to make an impulsive and expensive decision regarding this very important addition to your family, but without proper thought and research into the type of breed you are purchasing, your family and your cute, adorable puppy could be in for a long road of pain and frustration ahead.

Purebred puppy breeds have inherent characteristics that are particular to their breed, and these characteristics usually get more pronounced with age. While different breed characteristics will be appropriate for different families, matching the wrong breed with the wrong family can have devastating consequences.

It has been estimated that the number one reason why competent pet owners relinquish ownership of their puppy or puppies to one of the many county humane services to be found all across the country is because they have become frustrated with certain characteristics of the dog. No matter whether the problem is big, such as aggression to children or other pets, or small, such as a tendency to chew everything in sight, as the puppy grows and its cuteness wears off, the frustration experienced from having a poorly matched puppy will increase. And the consequences can be heart wrenching for the both the family and the dog.

But by simply taking a little time to research the breed you are considering purchasing, you can guarantee that your new puppy will be a well-loved addition to your family unit. While I'm not saying that you should discount a breed entirely based on one troublesome characteristic, I'm saying that you should be prepared and able to deal with any problems, behavioral or health related, that is associated with the breed.

In order to obtain accurate information when choosing the right breed of puppy for your family, stay away from sources that have an interest in selling the puppy. I learned this one the hard way. After my children and family fell in love with a puppy at a local, reputable pet store, I had many questions for the sales clerk about how easily the puppy could be house broken. A puppy making messes all over the house is just not something that I can deal with a few times let alone for months of house breaking.

I was assured by the clerk that the breed was very intelligent and able to be crate trained in a matter of three days. To make a long story short, $1,500 and 9 months later the puppy still requires constant supervision and cannot be a complete part of the family due to our inability to house break him. Research conducted after the purchase revealed that the breed was inherently stubborn and in some cases unable to be house broken despite all attempts.

So, instead of relying on biased sources, turn to the library and people who own that particular breed of puppy or have owned one in the past. If you know someone who has relinquished a purebred puppy of the breed that you are considering for a fraction of the cost that they paid for it or for free, you need to ask them some serious and pointed questions before deciding to invest in that particular breed of puppy. Here are the most important questions that you need answered before purchasing a puppy or puppies:

1. What is the temperament like? 2. What is the mature size and weight? 3. Are they good with children? 4. What are their indigenous health problems? 5. How long do they live? 6. How much do they shed? 7. How much do they eat? 8. How trainable are they? 9. Can they be easily house broken? 10. Do they require a lot of grooming? 11. How noisy are they? 12. How protective are they? 13. Do they require any special care or management? 14. Are they good with other dogs and animals?

Now all you need to do is match the answers of these questions with your family's needs. Choose wisely, and you will have chosen a best friend of a lifetime, a dog that will truly be a joy to have and a treasured member of the family.

About the Author
By Randy Myers
Find more puppy articles, tips and tricks at my website:
Wise Puppy

Preventing Dehydration in your Dog

This is a little late in the season for the US, but some areas (like here in Texas) are still seeing triple digit temperatures. It is still good to keep fresh water available at all times of the year, along with proper shelter depending on your climate.

What To Do When Your Dog Gets Dehydrated by Nicollette Dial

Your dog can die from dehydration. Please understand how serious this can get. It's not like when humans get dehydrated, can drink some water and cool off, and they will recover quickly. It is much harder for a dog to recover. Caused by sickness, heat exposure, or lack of water intake, the situation must be taken care of immediately. If the dehydration lasts for too long, your dog's organs can start failing and he will die. Unfortunately, it is much easier for a dog to become dehydrated than it is for humans. But, luckily, it is also very easy to prevent it from happening.

To be able to prevent dehydration, it is important to understand how and why it occurs in dogs. Dehydration occurs after an extreme loss of bodily fluids. The essential minerals called electrolytes are depleted from the body. Dogs do not have sweat glands to cool them off like humans do. To relieve themselves from heat, they pant to regulate their body temperature. But the process of panting results in a rapid loss of bodily fluids, which will result in dehydration if the electrolytes do not get replaced.

Dehydration will not occur if your dog always has access to a fresh supply of water. If you keep your dog indoors, make sure that there is always at least one large bowl of water. If you live in a large home, consider placing two or three bowls of water in other areas of the house. During hot and humid summer months, try to keep your dog indoors as much as possible. If you keep your dog outside during warm temperatures, ensure that he has access to not only a constant supply of water, but also shady areas in which to rest.

If you think that your dog is dehydrated, you can check for certain symptoms. The skin will become tight, the eyes will dry out, and the tongue and nose will be dry. If your dog is dehydrated, he will also have problems with the circulatory system. To rest for this, push your finger into its gums until the area under your finger turns white. If the color does not quickly return to normal, a delay is a sign of fluid loss.

Once you determine that your dog is probably dehydrated, you need to cool him off and start replenishing fluids. Then immediately take him to the vet. Start by wrapping him in a cool, wet towel. The prime areas you want to cool off are the head and the underbelly, which is the best place to access the internal organs. Do not give the dog too much water. A severely dehydrated dog will start vomiting after a large amount of water intake. This will cause more fluid loss and make the situation even worse. Even if your dog recovers from the dehydration and stops showing any symptoms, you need to take him to a vet as soon as possible to determine the exact cause of the dehydration. Even though most cases are caused by heat and fluid loss, it can also be a result of a larger illness, so the vet needs to do a full checkup to make sure he will stay in good health.

About the Author
Nicollette Dial is a freelance author who has worked in the pet care industry for several years. She contributes to several websites, including

Basic Dog Grooming Tips

Moms were always telling us to take a bath, brush our teeth, clean behing our ears, and trim our nails. Looks like puppies hear the same thing from their Moms too.

Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know
by Rose Lenk

Brush your dog often .

Brushing will stimulate oils in your pets skin & keep it moist & healthy. Brushing will prevent matting of your dogs coat. Brushing is a great way to show your dog attention. Brushing eliminates dead hair in the coat that contributes to shedding.

Maintain the length of your dogs nails.

You can walk your dog often to wear down nails. Clip your dogs nails on a regular basis. If they are cut too short they can bleed & sting. Groomers usually charge a little less than veterinarians to cut nails. If you believe your dog will be aggressive about getting their nails cut it is best to take them to the veterinarian.

Bathe your dog regularly.

Buy dog shampoos & conditioners from pet stores. Do not use flea & tick shampoos unless your pet needs them, they can dry out your pets skin. Be sure to rinse your dog thoroughly, leaving soap on skin can cause problems. Bathing a dog with knots & mats will worsen them, be sure to eliminate these before or immediately after the bath. When drying your dog use low heat. Dogs are sensitive to burning, keep this in mind while adjusting water temperature. Bathing your dog will cut down on chances of infestations of fleas & ticks. Place cotton in your dogs ears before bathing. Often water in the ears can lead to ear infections. By washing away dead hair, regular bathing reduces shedding of your dogs coat.

Keep your dogs ears clean.

Do this with dog ear cleaner bought from any pet store. Put a small amount of ear cleaner on a cotton ball and swab outer surface of the inner ear. Keeping your dogs ears clean & dry will reduce chance of ear infections & ear mites. You can also buy ear wipes from any pet store to keep your dogs ears clean. Dog groomers & veterinarians can also clean your pets ears for you. Many longhaired dogs grow hair in their ears that needs to be pulled to prevent ear infections. This hair can be gently pulled out with hemostats. Most people leave this to their groomer or vet.

About the Author
By Rose Lenk
Find more dog and puppy articles, collars and information at her website
Dog Collar Direct

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pet Turtle Health Reminder

Although we are primarily a Dog and Cat site I wanted to add this because I have seen these turtles being sold. Many people have more than one pet, so we will also put Health and Safety items as they concern our Pets and Families.

Pet Turtles May Be Harmful to Your Health!

The FDA is alerting parents to the danger of human disease from small turtles, which are illegal as pets. Small turtles are a source of salmonellosis, an infection of the intestines caused by bacteria called Salmonella.

Symptoms of salmonellosis may include diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and headache. Symptoms begin in six to 72 hours after a person is exposed to Salmonella, and they generally last for two to seven days. Salmonella, which occur naturally in turtles, usually do not make them sick.

Anyone can get salmonellosis, but the risk is highest in infants and young children, older people, and others with weakened immune systems.

The sale of turtles with a shell (carapace) length less than four inches has been banned in the United States since 1975 because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. The FDA enforces this regulation in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. Experts estimate that the regulation has prevented about 100,000 cases of salmonellosis a year; however, there has been an increase in the sale of turtles in recent years.

The FDA urges parents and others responsible for the care of children to be alert for any turtles in petting zoos, parks, child day care facilities, or other locations. People who come in contact with turtles or their housing should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Copyright Superintendent of Documents Sep/Oct 2005

Source: FDA Consumer

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Disaster Relief Fund - 2005

Disaster Relief Fund - 2005: "
Yes! I want to help animals affected by Hurricane Katrina and other disasters by supporting The Humane Society of the United States' (HSUS) Disaster Relief Fund.
LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, September 14, 2005; 1:40 p.m.
The HSUS is leading a massive relief effort to rescue animals and assist their caregivers in the disaster areas. Our highly trained Disaster Animal Response Teams are working around the clock in New Orleans and Mississippi. We now have more than 300 people on the ground doing search-and-rescue and staffing temporary shelters, and have rescued thousands of animals from New Orleans and other areas - with many more still stranded and needing our help."

This will be my last (I think) post concerning the relief effort for the animals affected by Katrina.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Pet project aids the elderly

Herald Sun: Pet project aids the elderly [13sep05]: "Pet project aids the elderly
Jordana Borensztajn

LOOKING after dogs and cats has proven health benefits for pet owners of all ages.

But many elderly people face the heartbreak of losing their beloved companions because they are unable to care for them. "

Nice article about how to help the Elderly and their Pets


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New Email, Still looking for Your ideas

Howdy Everyone

As I promised in an earlier post, I did setup a email address just for the blog. If everyone would please use this address from now on, it realy would make things a lot easier on this end. No need to re-submit what was already sent, I have it all saved.

And the New Address is:

That should do it for this time around. We still would like to hear from you about the website.


Monday, September 12, 2005

More Ideas for Helping Katrina's Lost Pets


The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LA/SPCA), the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA), the Louisiana Animal Control Association (LACA), the LSU AgCenter, and the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) are managing animal evacuations and recovery plans for New Orleans pets and displaced animals. Click HERE for more information."

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Need Your Input for the Cats and Dogs Website


Well things are settling down some around here, and it's time to get back to work on the Pet News for Cats and Dogs website.

The Official Launch is getting close! We still have time to implement a few more ideas from the public. Several suggestions have already been included, with more ideas set for inclusion a little later.

Whatever your idea we would love to hear it. Our goal is to have one of the best sites available on the internet, when it comes to finding information concerning Cats and Dogs. Together we can do this, after all it really is about helping our four legged friends who we call Master

A couple of people have asked about writing stories and articles to be included, Yes, this is exactly the type of things we are looking for. Now the stories/articles will have to be about Cats and/or Dogs, well at least Pet related.

Last thing for this post. Another idea from a reader was to include a section for Pet Jokes. This will be something else the visitors can be directly involved in. We need some jokes to get it started, they do need to be Clean and in Good Taste.

Till next time


P.S. Those of you who have the email address please continue to use it. I will be posting the new address as soon as it is setup and working correctly.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Katrina and Pets

Katrina and the devastation she left in her wake has dominated the News Broadcasts for some time. Fortunately, it seems they are starting to get a handle on a situation that is like nothing this country has seen before.

Our Prayers go out to everyone affected, from the victims, the rescue workers, the crews working to drain New Orleans, the military, volunteers in the shelters, etc...

There really are so many that we owe a big Thank You to for their response in the aftermath of this storm. Let's not forget that this isn't just about New Orleans, but the whole region.

As a result of Katrina, many families have lost everything, including their pets. In some cases they have had to give them up because of circumstances bryond their control. Still others may have had to leave their pets behind, and now have to live with not knowing.

What can we do beside the obvious of donating to organizations like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.? Consider being a Foster Caregiver to a pet rescued from the storm area. If you are not in that area, you might consider sending a donation to a rescue center that is down there. Another idea might be adopting a pet from your local shelter, in honor of the pets from down south.

Below is a link to one such site that has been recommended to me. I will be listing more sites like this as I hear about them.

Till Next Time,

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them

Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them
Ian White

Anyone wanting a new kitten should be a cat lover. Lets face it, folks, cats are just different from dogs. Cats do not usually perform any special tricks, and they certainly do not guard your possessions while you are away. In fact, the only thing you can be guaranteed of by having a cat is that a mouse wont last long if they creep into your home.

Cats are loved by many because of their independence. Cats have a life, so to speak. Most cats do not follow you around the home with their tongues hanging out of their mouths waiting on your attention. While they do love their owners fiercely, cats will not grovel like a dog and worship and fawn over their owners. Cats are perfectly content simply being themselves--and they do not seem to need constant reassurance, unlike canines.

This does not mean cats do not need love and affection, it simply means cats are not fragile characters. In fact, cats exude a self assurance which can often be misunderstood as aloofness or coldness. Yet, cats are far from aloof or unfeeling. They feel deeply and love deeply. If a cat comes to sit on your lap, you know you are truly loved.

Anytime the family thinks about bringing a new pet into the home, it is exciting. Cats are a favorite of many because as kittens they are so entertaining to watch. Cats have a mind all of their own and only a true cat lover can even claim to understand the psyche of a feline. Cats are mysterious animals, which is part of the draw to them. While cats have been brought into the home, their instincts still remain. Cats adopt their owners and will even go out and provide dinner. Many cat owners have stepped out on the stoop to find a dead mouse, opossum, or mole waiting for them. Now, that is love and loyalty!

If you are planning to bring a cat into your home, you should look at it as a life long commitment. Cats can live fifteen years and beyond. You should also understand that as cats mature, they will often sleep and laze around the home. If you are wanting a cat to entertain you throughout her life, you should seriously think about whether a cat is the pet for you. Kittens are very entertaining and young cats are always curious and open for a challenge. However, older cats arent easily excitable and usually prefer to watch the antics in the home from a distance.

When you have made the decision to bring a new cat into your home, you will have to decide between a domestic or purebred cat. If you choose to go with a purebred cat, you can be guaranteed of size and appearance, and possibly temperament. There are more than 40 breeds to choose from, so do your homework. You will want to research the grooming requirements of the breed you are considering, along with the general disposition of the breed.

Domestic cats come in all colors and shapes. When you look at any cat, there are some things you should consider. For instance, while all cats are fairly in proportion to each other, there are some cats which are more lanky and lean than others. These cats will be the ones who may be more interested in running and exploration. The chunkier, heavier cat will probably be more laid back and not get into too big a hurry about anything. You have a choice between a domestic long hair or domestic short hair cat.

When picking out your kitten, you should understand that kittens should not have an odor. While puppies do tend to have a smell about them, kittens do not. You should observe the entire litter of kittens. Do any of them have crusty eyes or a runny nose? If so, you may want to reconsider choosing a kitten from that litter. You certainly shouldnt take one home simply because you feel sorry for it, either. Especially if you have other pets in your home. All of the kittens should have bright and clear eyes and be very alert.

You should handle the kittens. Their fur should be soft and silky, and never stiff or dry. Likewise, their coat should not feel oily or greasy. When you are petting the kitten, you should run your hands along her skin to ensure she has no sores. When you are holding each kitten, place them up to your face and nuzzle them. Listen for any breathing noises. You should not hear any raspy or breathy breathing. If you do, this is possibly a signal that the kitten has a respitory infection.

After visiting with the kittens, instinct will usually dictate to you which kitten is your match. You may feel the rowdy, rambunctious kitten will fit the best into your lively home. Or, you may decide the laid back kitten is more your speed, especially if you have a quiet home. Once you have made your decision and chosen your kitten, you should have a kennel waiting for travel. You should never try to ride in a car with a cat unless they are restrained or in a kennel. While most dogs love car rides, cats tend to scare. They can cower under your feet and this can lead to a wreck.

When you bring your new kitten into your home, you should immediately show her where the litter box, food and water are located. You should also have a supply of cat toys on hand to distract the cat from missing her mom and litter mates. While this cannot entirely be avoided, lavishing attention on a new kitten will do wonders in the transition to her new family.

You should expect your new kitten to explore every nook and cranny in the home. This is a necessary part of a kittens disposition. (Even older cats seem to perk up when a new piece of furniture is brought into a home they have lived in for years.) You will want to kitten proof your home. You should keep the lids down on the toilet, and you may want to remove potted plants and the like until your cat learns the rules.

Cats are social creatures, and they can learn the rules of their new environment with consistency. While you may think they do not understand what you are saying, this is not true. If you have a new kitten who wants to walk across the kitchen counter or dining room table, simply rattling a newspaper at her and saying down will teach her to stay off. With time you will be able to put the newspaper away and simply speak the command.

Kittens can add joy to any home. Part of the fun is knowing the kitten is oblivious to the fact that she is the center of attention. She is not trying to gain your attention by performing. She is simply being a cat. You should also not be upset if your kitten is not interested in being a lap cat. While she may be content for a few moments on your lap, kittens have to roam, play and explore. As your cat matures she will be more inclined to take it easy curled up on your lap. Until then, just make her feel loved and you will have a feline that will adore you and her new home.

Copyright 2005, Ian White

About the Author
Author Ian White is founder of Those seeking kittens can locate and match with appropriate breeders. automates the matching of kittens for sale with kitten wanted entries, with daily email notifications to all parties.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Interior Decorating for Cat Owners Part 3:

Interior Decorating for Cat Owners Part 3:

The Beauty of Cat Decor

For the most part cat décor is less about being beautiful and more about keeping your pet safe and comfortable. However there are so many manufacturers of cat products that you can fine almost any of the items mentioned above in several different colors. Try purchasing items such as litter boxes and scratching posts in matching or complimentary colors. If you match the hue to the rest of your setting you may be able to blend them seamlessly into the area

Alternatively, you may want to set aside a space just for the cat’s things, in order to separate them from the look of the rest of the room. While this won’t completely eliminate the intrusion of cat toys onto your setting, it can allow you to create interplay between the cat’s possessions and yours. If your home is predominated by a single color such as green or blue, purchasing matching black cat possessions can actually compliment this look. If your colors are more mottled, then patterned cat toys, or subdued sandy colored ones, may be a better way to create equality in the room’s hue.

The litter box is one of the most troublesome cat possessions to decorate around. It stinks, it’s dirty, and it’s generally surrounded by stray litter tramped out of the box by your oblivious cat. One way to deal with this item is to hide it, either in a bathroom, or somewhere out of the way such as a closet. If you don’t have anywhere to hide it, then you should consider getting a covered cat box. They are much more attractive then leaving the litter bare, and will also reduce the smell. Unfortunately these are rarely attractive, and become dirty easy. To create your own custom covering, get a giant cardboard box and place it over the litter. Cut a hole in the front where the door is. Cover the box in decorative paper, such as wrapping paper, and then coat this in plastic to protect it from moisture. This method should only be used in conjunction with an existing plastic cat cover; otherwise moisture will seep into the cardboard and turn it to mush.

Cats can make wonderful loving pets. They are fairly self sufficient, and don’t require much attention. However, they are still animals, and will be oblivious to the beauty of your home. In order to maintain the look of your setting, while maintaining the safety of your pet, you will have to plan the décor that you develop in your home. Every cat is different, so let your home evolve with the pet, until you reach a stasis in which safety and beauty are at their best.

Joey Lewitin is an artist, author, and designer that specializes in innovative decorating ideas. Click here to see more Interior decorating and home décor ideas from him and experts

Interior Decorating for Cat owners Part 2

Interior Decorating for Cat owners Part 2:

Protecting your pet

If you own a cat, then designing the décor of your home will require taking several precautions in order to protect your pet from harm. Glass items should be avoided both because they are easy to shatter, and because fragments of glass can then become embedded in your cat’s skin. Other items to avoid are those that have sharp edges, spikes, or that have small pieces which can break off and be swallowed.

You should also consider whether any object you bring into your home would be unhealthy if eaten by the feline. These items may include plants, flowers, and scented candles. Cats are fairly self-sufficient, as well as intelligent, however they are also curious, and you do not want to give them any easy method for hurting themselves.

Cats are fascinated by string, as part of their inherent instinct to kill snakes. This fascination may carry over to electrical wires. If you catch your cat attacking or playing with electric cords you should stop them immediately. This is a very dangerous problem that can not only result in the cat electrocuting themselves, but also in causing a fire. If your pet persists in this problem, one way to protect your wires is to wrap them in duct tape. This will make them harder to break through and less appetizing for a cat to chew on. There are also many natural sprays which have specially formulated smells that will cause a cat to avoid an area in which it is sprayed.

Curtain cords hold much the same fascination that electrical wires do, and they can also be a danger from strangulation. If you have rope that dangles too far from your curtain, the cat may attack it, causing it to tangle. If the cat becomes caught in the tangle itself, it can be very dangerous. Long hanging cords should be tied up out of the cats reach, or cut so that they do not dangle where a feline can reach them.

The level of caution you should use is based upon your individual cat. Monitor your pet and your home, and change your setting as necessary. Always use caution when bringing a new object into an area, and be certain you don’t introduce anything which can be harmful to the cat. Mostly, just use common sense and try to remove any obvious hazards to where they can’t be reached.

Lewitin is an artist, author, and designer that specializes in innovative decorating ideas. Click here to see more Interior decorating and home décor ideas from him and experts

Interior Decorating with Cats In the House

Interior Decorating For Cats
by Joey Lewitin
August 24, 2005------------------------------------------------------------------

Interior Decorating for Cat Owners – Part 1:

Protecting your possessions
The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like. Even a well trained cat (a possible oxymoron) will occasionally get overzealous, and with an inadvertent sweep of their tail will knock your favorite decoration from its place to a pile on the floor.
This disregard for your possessions, overt or otherwise, requires that you use some strategy when deciding on the placement of various decorative pieces. This is going to amount basically to common sense. Any surface that a cat can reach, they will walk on. Therefore low shelves or dressers should not contain any objects that are fragile. Items should be moved towards the middle of a surface, or back against the wall, to prevent them being knocked onto the floor. Items that have a broad or sturdy base should replace other more top heavy objects. Decorative accents that can shatter, such as ceramics or stone statues, may have to be replaced by steal or wood.
One way to display fragile items is to move them up. High shelves that are isolated from cat “stepping stones” will be out of dangers way. The same may be true of tall dressers, although unfortunately some cats will take a tall isolated dresser as a personal challenge, which they simply have to climb. Your décor will have to be matched to the personality of your cat.
Mirrors can also provide a problem, as some cats tend to attack their own reflection. If your cat has a problem with this, buying velvet or satin cloth and draping it over the mirror can be a decorative way to solve this.
Plants can be one of the biggest décor problems a cat owner will face. Your pet can chew on leaves, dig in the soil, or urinate in them. Luckily, there are ways both to decorate around these problems as well as to train your cat out of them. For biting and chewing of leaves, a natural spray repellent applied to the plant will cause most cats to avoid it. To stop a cat from rooting in or excreting in your plant you have to realize that the dirt in the pot is reminiscent of the cats litter box. In order to change this, use stones or gravel to fill over the top of the dirt. This will remove the cat’s fascination with the soil, and can be a lovely decorative accent to your plant
Cat grass is a special kind of plant you can grow in your home that is specifically formulated to be safe for felines, and to provide them with certain vitamins they may be lacking. Purchasing this can give your cat an acceptable alternative to messing with your plants. When you see your cat eating the cat grass, reward them lavishly. When you see them going near other plants, pick them up and place them in front of the cat grass. If they eat the offered vegetation, then reward them. In this way you can use positive reinforcement to turn one behavior into another
Cats will scratch anything which is made of cloth, including couches, drapes, and pillows. Because of this, you may want to start by spraying natural cat repellent on your more attractive pieces. A plastic couch cover may have to be used for a short time while the cat learns to behave itself. Buying your pet a scratching post and praising it for scratching that instead of your couch is a good way to positively reinforce the negative behavior out of the cat. You will have to carefully monitor their progress, and only remove protective coverings from your furniture when you are sure they are safe.
While cats are a hazard to most décor, planning ahead can minimize these problems. Cats are so difficult to train that it is often easier to simply decorate around them. Using common sense, and paying attention, should allow you to develop a setting that compliments your pet owning experience.

Lewitin is an artist, author, and designer that specializes in innovative decorating ideas. Click here to see more Interior decorating and home décor ideas from him and experts