Baby Bunny Boy went outside!!! i put him in an old cage that doesn't have a bottom so that he could forage on the grass and he seemed to like it. i did pick a day that was guaranteed to be a little spooky to him, though ~ the winds were blowing like no tomorrow. i figured that he'd still be able to enjoy the outing, but he wouldn't be just SUPER anxious to get back out. (i know ~ i'm a mean mama. Oh, well.)
i pulled up a chair, then realized that i wanted the camera, too, and ran in to get it. When i came back out, i got frantic ~ he wasn't in the cage, anymore! i looked all around and almost fell over when he moved ~ in the cage! i was looking right AT him and couldn't see him! Here's a "Find Baby Bunny Boy" picture/game for y'all:

i promise you, he's in this picture, and in plain sight ~ unfortunately, you won't be able to see him move, so, well, um, good luck finding him! lol
Until next time ~