He's so bright-eyed! (And a bushy tail, too ~ even if it IS just a little cotton ball of a tail! lol) He's discovered carrots, thanks to my Mom sending some baby carrots home with us, and he LOVES 'em!
You know, i've sat, watching him, and i don't think he blinks his eyes! That would be a very valuable trait out in the wild for a baby bunny rabbit, but it's sort of disconcerting to me.
Today, he either heard something (which i'm leaning toward) or saw something that has made him super hyper-active. When i was walking home with him, i heard some coyotes baying in the distance, and that may be what's gotten him all riled up. i let him out on the table, which is a disaster zone right now, and he had a grand old time hippity-hopping around through all the cool stuff, but when it came time to go to bed, he wasn't down with that, and is STILL rustling around in his cage. i wish our place was rabbit-proof, but with 2 cats and a dog, not to speak of a million live electrical wires that appear to have some sort of magical magnetic pull on rabbits, we don't dare just cut him loose here in the house. We're going to have to figure out an outside pen / cage for him, so that he can just be a bunny and do bunny things for certain periods of the day.
More later ~