To eliminate ear mites (in fact ear mites never completely disappear from the cat, they will always be there but the good news is that you can stop the irritation) there are several different treatment options.
Many people do not know that the flea treatment Frontline Topspot can actually be used exclusively to treat ear mites in cats as well. This treatment has been tested on cats, and vets are confident that it works. It is great news as it is a double treatment for fleas as well, so you are killing two birds with one stone.
Ear mites in cats are not just limited to existing in the ears. Ear mites can spread to other parts of the body, particular on top of the head. This is when flea control products will work best. There are also topical treatments that can be used once a month to combat ear mites on other parts of the cats’ body.
If ear mite treatment is not effective in eliminating your cats irritating ear mites, then it could be that he has a more serious ear disease. Please see a vet if you feel the ear mite treatment is not working as it should.
If you have more than one cat then it is highly possible that the ear mites will spread between them as they are highly contagious. You should have ALL your cats checked at once, not just the one that you suspect already has ear mites.
Ear mites, whilst annoying, are not serious if treated early. That is why it is vital to take your cat straight to the vet as soon as signs such as:
Scratching and;
Head shaking are noticed.
This will ensure the best outcome for your beloved cat!