He's growing by ~ dare i say it??? ~ leaps and bounds! lol Speaking of leaps, the baby bunny is learning to hop, so now we have to be extra careful of where we set him down. i've had him on the twin-sized bed / couch, and he's a riot! i guess what i find SO amazing about the baby bunny is that he actually WANTS to be around us. When we had the other rabbit, she was like some sort of alien life form that just wanted to be left alone, with one small exception ~ she would allow us to wait on her, hand and (lucky rabbit's) foot. Baby Bunny Boy seems to love being held and petted, and appears to be growing up to think he's a people, much like the cat (Hattie) that we got when she was only about 4 weeks old.
And speaking of the other rabbit and the cat, i've decided to use Frontline Plus on Baby Bunny Boy for flea and tick control. i've read that it also repels ear mites, but i usually doctor everyone's ears with ear mite medicine. The Frontline Plus worked on Rini, the huge Californian rabbit, with absolutely no bad side effects, but Baby Bunny Boy is a little cottontail rabbit, so i might have to use less ~ like 1/2 of the treatment. He really isn't old enough for ANY kind of parasite treatments, so this is something i'll be doing in the future, it's just that i treated the cats and the dog the other day, and it made me think about Baby Bunny Boy.
Oh! And here's another picture ~ sorry to drive you crazy, but it IS sort of like being new parents! lol
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